
Shāfi’i Fiqh and Usūl al Fiqh for Women

Course Structure:

Welcome to the Women’s Exclusive Islamic Jurisprudence Course, a dedicated learning opportunity tailored for women. This comprehensive two-year program will be conducted for two hours each week. Faqīha Fathima Faariya Izbahany will alternate between Usūl al-Fiqh and Fiqh, either on an hourly or weekly basis.

Course Details:

Duration: Two Years
Frequency: Two Hours per Week


Upon successful completion of the course and meeting all requirements, students will be awarded a Diploma and Ijazah in Shāfi’ī Fiqh.

Usul al Fiqh and Fiqh Rotation:

The professor will alternate between Usūl al-Fiqh and Fiqh throughout the course, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of both the foundational principles and practical applications of Islamic jurisprudence.

Course Objectives:

  1. Foundations (Usūl al-Fiqh):

    • Understand key concepts and definitions.
    • Develop critical thinking skills for analyzing real-world scenarios.
    • Apply concepts to modern issues through analogy.
  2. Practical Applications (Fiqh):

    • Learn and explain rulings in chapters such as Purification, Prayer, Trade, Marriage, and Justice.
    • Memorize essential rulings and maxims.
    • Analyze and understand variations in rulings across schools of thought.

Evaluation and Certification:

  • Quizzes: Occasional assessments.
  • Blog Posts: Monthly writing requirements.
  • Exams: Mid-term and year-end evaluations.

Diploma and Ijazah:

Upon successful completion of the two-year course and meeting all requirements, students will receive a prestigious Diploma and Ijāzah in Shāfi’ī Fiqh.

We look forward to embarking on this educational journey with you, fostering a deep understanding of Islamic jurisprudence tailored to the unique perspectives and experiences of women.

Course information

Name of Course: Shāfi’ī Fiqh and Usūl al Fiqh for Women

Days and Timings:

  • Saturdays from 11 am to 1 pm Mountain time.

Duration: Two Years From January 2024 – December 2025

The first class is on January 6, 2024

Shāfi’i Fiqh and Usūl al Fiqh for Women Fee
$ 90 Per month for 24 total payments
Individual Month Access plan
$ 110 1 month of access