
Journey Through Islamic History (Sep 2023-Dec 2023)

Course Overview: Embark on a captivating journey through the rich tapestry of Islamic history, spanning from the dawn of Islam to contemporary times. This course provides a cursory but comprehensive overview of the evolution of Islamic societies, empires, and movements, introducing pivotal events, figures, and ideologies that have shaped the Muslim world. Delve into the challenges, triumphs, and transformations that define the legacy of Islam.

Course Structure:

September: Final Revelation and the First Century

  • Introduction to Islamic History:

    • Uncover the significance of studying Islamic history and its relevance today.
  • Pre-Islamic Arabia and the Life of the Prophet Muhammad:

    • Explore the socio-cultural context of pre-Islamic Arabia and the transformative life of Prophet Muhammad.
  • The Rashidun Caliphate:

    • Dive into the reign of the first four caliphs, analyzing their leadership and contributions.
  • The Umayyad Caliphate:

    • Examine the Umayyad dynasty’s rule and its impact on Islamic governance.

October: Renaissance to Chaos? 2nd-6th Century AH

  • The Abbasid Caliphate:

    • Trace the intellectual, cultural, and political resurgence during the Abbasid era.
  • Islamic Spain (Al-Andalus):

    • Discover the flourishing civilization of Al-Andalus and its lasting influence.

November: The Decline 7th-13th Century

  • The Crusades and Islamic Empires:

    • Unearth the dynamics of the Crusades and the simultaneous rise of Islamic empires.
  • The Mongol Invasions and Their Aftermath:

    • Examine the impact of the Mongol invasions on Islamic societies and their subsequent revival.
  • Safavid Persia and Mughal India:

    • Explore the cultural and political legacies of the Safavid and Mughal empires.
  • Islamic Reform Movements and Colonialism:

    • Investigate reformist movements, responses to colonialism, and challenges to Islamic identity.
  • Modern Nation-States and Independence Movements:

    • Analyze the struggle for independence and the formation of modern Muslim nation-states.

December: Reflection – Revival, Restoration, and Anecdotes of Forgotten History

  • Islamic Revivalism and Globalization:

    • Study contemporary efforts to rejuvenate Islamic thought and practice.
  • Women in Islamic History:

    • Celebrate the role and contributions of women in Islamic history.
  • Contemporary Issues in the Muslim World:

    • Discuss current challenges and debates within the Muslim world.
  • Review and Reflection:

    • Summarize key insights gained throughout the course.

Prerequisites: No prior knowledge of Islamic history is required; an open mind and curiosity are encouraged.

Recommended Materials:

  • Course readings provided by the instructor
  • Historical texts and primary sources related to each period

Note: Join us on this illuminating expedition, guided by Ayatullah, as we uncover the intricate layers of Islamic history. Explore the vibrant past that continues to shape the present, and gain valuable insights into the diverse tapestry of the Muslim world. Please note that this course offers a broad introduction to Islamic history and is not an in-depth study of individual topics.

Course information

Name of Course: Journey Through Islamic History

Days and Timings:

  • Sundays from 2 pm to 3 pm Mountain time. 

Duration: Four Months From September 2023 – December 2023

The first class is on September 3rd, 2023

Dear Students,

I hope this message finds you well. I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to each of you as we commence our educational journey together. My name is Uthman Khan, and I serve as the Academic Dean of Critical Loyalty College of Islamic Sciences.

To help you navigate this journey smoothly, I want to provide you with some essential information and links:

Course Links:

  1. Classroom Link: Please bookmark this link for convenient access to our live sessions: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81100227383
  2. Recording Link: After each class, you will receive an email containing a recording link for your reference.
  3. Slack Group: Join our Slack group, as it is a mandatory requirement for all students. All announcements are poster there and I do not communicate with students outside of Slack. Each week, we will post questions related to our course content to stimulate critical thinking and meaningful discussions. Your participation is crucial for successful completion. Here is the link: https://join.slack.com/t/critical-loyalty/shared_invite/zt-9fim42it-99fm2DasumvzOrhXKq51TA 

Furthermore, I encourage you to explore our Slack workspace by subscribing to all the departments. You can find me on Slack under the name Uthman Khan. I value engaging with my students and believe that understanding you better will contribute to your success. Please feel free to schedule one-on-one sessions with me (although not mandatory) or participate in discussions.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I am eager to interact with each of you and look forward to our upcoming classes!

See you in class!