
AS02: ‘Aqīlat, Nādhimat-al-Zuhr, and al-Fawā’id al-Muʻtabara 2023/2024

Course Overview: Join us in an illuminating journey through the two foundational texts authored by Imām Shāṭibī, an eminent authority in Qur’ānic studies. Delve into the intricacies of the Qur’ān’s script (rasm) and the counting of its verses (‘Add al-Ayy). This course will provide valuable insights from variant readings and diverse copies of the Qur’ān, shedding light on its historical and textual dimensions. The syllabus is divided into three segments, each focusing on a specific aspect.

Course Structure:

Part I: ‘Aqīlat atrāb al-Qasā’id (September – January) This segment is dedicated to understanding the script (rasm) of the Qur’ān. Through Imām Shāṭibī’s text, the students will delve into the evolution of the script, its variations, and its role in maintaining the Qur’ān’s authenticity. Examining examples from variant readings and various manuscript copies, students will grasp the nuances of the script’s development.

Part II: Nādhimat-al-Zuhr (February – June) In this phase, students will immerse themselves in the study of ‘Add al-Ayy, the count of verses in the Qur’ān. Students will explore the historical context and the differences in verse counts across different transmissions. This exploration will provide a deeper understanding of the Qur’ān’s structural complexities and meticulous preservation.

Part III: al-Fawā’id al-Muʻtabarah and Ijāzah in Four Qirā’āt (July – August) This is an advanced course to learn about and obtain ijāzah in the four qirā’āt of the Qur’ān that are in addition to the ten. Through studying al-Fawā’id al-Muʻtabarah by Shaykh Muḥammad Aḥmad Mutawallī, students will learn the qirā’āt of Ibn Muḥayṣin, al-Aʻmash, Ḥasan al-Baṣrī, and Yaḥyā al-Yazīdī.

Course information

Name of Course: Qur’anic Script and Structure Analysis

Days and Timings:

  • Saturdays from 10 am to 11 am Mountain time. 

Duration: One Year From September 2023 – August 2024

The first class is on September 9, 2023


PASSWORD: lightbulb

Dear Students,

I hope this message finds you well. I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to each of you as we commence our educational journey together. My name is Uthman Khan, and I serve as the Academic Dean of Critical Loyalty College of Islamic Sciences.

To help you navigate this journey smoothly, I want to provide you with some essential information and links:

Course Links:

  1. Classroom Link: Please bookmark this link for convenient access to our live sessions: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81100227383
  2. Recording Link: After each class, you will receive an email containing a recording link for your reference.
  3. Slack Group: Join our Slack group, as it is a mandatory requirement for all students. All announcements are poster there and I do not communicate with students outside of Slack. Each week, we will post questions related to our course content to stimulate critical thinking and meaningful discussions. Your participation is crucial for successful completion. Here is the link: https://join.slack.com/t/critical-loyalty/shared_invite/zt-9fim42it-99fm2DasumvzOrhXKq51TA 

Furthermore, I encourage you to explore our Slack workspace by subscribing to all the departments. You can find me on Slack under the name Uthman Khan. I value engaging with my students and believe that understanding you better will contribute to your success. Please feel free to schedule one-on-one sessions with me (although not mandatory) or participate in discussions.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I am eager to interact with each of you and look forward to our upcoming classes!

See you in class!